Sports activities are a regular way of life for many of us now, and involve people from across all age groups from those who have an avid interest to those who just wish to keep fit; from the elite professional to the casual participant.
Many of the injuries are the result of overuse i.e. playing too hard and too often e.g. tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and biceps tendinitis, or from not warming up properly beforehand or not cooling down and stretching after exercise.
Sometimes incorrect equipment can lead to injury - ill-fitting footwear can cause hip, knee and foot injury (e.g. Achilles injuries).
Reduced joint flexibility will affect the degree of performance and may result in injury if the player is unaware that they cannot perform to the same level as they used to, for example golfers who cannot turn at the waist as well as they used to, and the enthusiastic older footballer whose knees do not bend as well as they once did.
Young people especially are vulnerable in sport as their growing bodies are often expected to perform to high standards and are putting exceptional physical demands on themselves.
The good news is that although sports injuries are common, those who are fit tend to recover more quickly and easily from their injuries after a course of osteopathic treatment.
Terry Rulten Brentwood Osteopath